As of late, I have been doing a lot of thinking. Thinking about the Goodness of God. I have had some special circumstances in my life this year in particular that have made me sit up and take notice. God has used these things and some very special people to point out to me just how wonderful my life is. He often showers me with His "special blessings". I do not deserve His love and these "extra" things He does for me. In fact, I do not want what I have coming to me. I think back on my Maw Maw. She was such a sweet thing who often went out of her way to let me know how much she loved me like baking me my favorite dish or playing games with me or letting me put on all of her jewelry. I know that she loved me already but she just went that extra mile to let me know just how much. Now, I certainly do not parallel Maw Maw with God but in a way it is kind of the same, just on a much grander scale. He loves me and you too, so much that not only does He provide our necessities, but He wants to give us sweet little gifts all along just to remind us that He is here and He is listening to our hearts and desires. As I unloaded the pictures from my camera, His love begin to show so brightly to me. In the past few weeks He has allowed me to spend time with some of the most precious people in the world to me. I have also gotten to witness my son turn one more year older. We traveled to Birmingham to spend time with our family. While there we celebrated Will's birthday. I rode there with my sweet friend Ann Sullivan and got to hear all of her funny and sweet stories of her blessed life. I got to spend time with almost every member of mine and Jeff's family and even got to go out with my all time best friend from high school, Julie Chandler Miller. The next week we were delighted to welcome the Yates family from Andalusia, AL. We spent an entire weekend swimming, laughing, eating and just catching up on hugs and conversation. They attended church with us on Sunday and it was so sweet to once again be able to worship next to such good friends. A big thank you goes to my heavenly father who has given me much though I deserve nothing.
His goodness often leaves me speechless and that is a big thing for me.
It was so special to me to get to spend the time together that we did. I've missed you so much, but it was like we had never been apart. I can't wait to do it again. I hope that Will had a wonderful birthday and that he is enjoying 2nd grade. I'm looking forward to getting together again, and hopefully the next time we do, both of our families can tag along ;)
Love you!
I'm glad you got to spend some time with your loved ones! Happy Birthday Will! Already a 2nd grader. I saw a baby picture of him at Mother's the other day and I could remember when he was exactly that age and I was at your house trying to help you! (Remember your nursing "coach"?!?!) Anyway, I love you and miss you a lot!
I love your haircut!
I'm glad you got to spend some time with your loved ones! Happy Birthday Will! Already a 2nd grader. I saw a baby picture of him at Mother's the other day and I could remember when he was exactly that age and I was at your house trying to help you! (Remember your nursing "coach"?!?!) Anyway, I love you and miss you a lot!
I love your haircut!
I am delighted to see this blogger growing in Grace and Spiritually. I had really lost heart after the "Elton John" blog episode and the "Draw a cartoon" post. I think a Christian needs to be somber and grounded. I think what this blog needs would probably be to loose the "wordly" music and probably load some godly hymns.
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