In ALL things, give thanks!
Monday, April 20, 2015
Saturday my family decided to go on an adventure. I was in search of some alligators. I really had the yearning to snap some good pictures of wildlife. We only spotted a few baby alligators but managed to spot some other really cool sights. We also ran into our friends, the Rodriguez family. At one point, when I had all of the sun I could stand, I hopped on their boat and took pics of
Jeff, Will and Will's friend, Carl. Even though we didn't get what we set out for, we got lots of other cool things like a good tan and some great family/friend time.

Monday, March 16, 2015
WOW! This sure feels weird! I haven't been active on this blog in almost 2 years. It took me about 10 minutes before I could figure out how to even get in. I glanced at this blog today and wondered why I stopped posting. I really did enjoy it. What would make me stop? Stuff, I guess! Busy job situation, our son's football season, church activities, and the list goes on and on and on......... What do I even talk about now? I am just a middle aged wife and mother with a pretty boring life. Or is it boring? I actually rarely have a spare second to myself. I am hardly ever at home. I am continually yawning due to lack of sleep. Maybe I am so busy that I haven't even stopped long enough to enjoy what God has gifted me with. Perhaps I will get back to blogging so that I can see all of my blessings in writing. I am very blessed with good health, a wonderful husband and a terrific teenage son. Yes, I say I am VERY blessed. Way more than I deserve. So, with that being said, I am declaring that I am BACK to blog if only for myself!

Monday, May 20, 2013
When in Rome..........
Well we have been here for about 6 months now. I would say that we seem to be acclamating well. We have finally gotten moved into our home and have even had our first visit from relatives. It seems surreal to drive down the streets here and see giant palm trees everywhere you look. We may never to accustom to seeing thousands of orange trees loaded down with fruit just waiting to be squeezed or the glorious sun as it sets behind the water. I have always heard of places like this but I must admit that until now, I had never seen them with my own eyes. Each morning as I wake, I can hardly wait to get outside to see what the day will bring. I have found a cure for depression. It is called "South Florida." If at any time I am tempted to get angry, I can always just walk outdoors and be reminded that God is Good and His hand is all over this part of the world. All of God's earth has beauty in it, but I do declare that HE came down here and just showed out! Will graduates from 5th grade soon and I look so forward to enjoying the grand place that God has put us with him. He is growing up so fast and I am not foolish enough to think that he will always want to hang out with Jeff and I, but for now we want to spend as much time soaking in his youthful excitement as we can. The residents here are very different. They seem to have the most laid back approach to things. Few seem in a hurry and their attitude on attire is simply "come as you are". Make up, hairspray and neckties are left far behind and replaced with pony tails, straw hats and flip flops and dont even dare mention pantyhose! Jeff has only worn a suit to church once or maybe twice since we arrived and fits right in. Backyard barbecues are a weekly occurance and each neighborhood hosts at least 4-5 yard sales every Saturday. I must admit that this is not the place that I thought God wanted us to be. Jeff and I prayed long and hard about where God would have us to move and serve. Only He knows the outcome of things and only He knew where we would be happy. Thank you God for working it out so that we could be serving you in such a place as this!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Where do I begin?
It has been so long since my last post that I almost could not figure out how to do this anymore. As my title goes, Where do I begin?? For the last eight years of my life I have been a Mississippian. My husband pastored a church there and so we made it our home. I saw so many things and God certainly taught me and my family a whole lot. We made some wonderful friends and in some cases, family while there. I got to see my son grow from being a tiny little 3 year old who still needed pull-ups when we arrived to a giant 11 year old who is as tall as me. Jeff and I both have a few more gray hairs (though I keep mine hidden) and several more pounds and wrinkles. We bought a house there and made it our home. I do love my place on Spurline Road. We currently have it for sale and this makes me sad. It marks a journey coming to an end. As with most pastors, my husband felt that God was leading us away from West Laurel Baptist Church. We worked really hard there in many different areas. But I guess once God was through with us there, He decided to use us somewhere else. My sweet son has been so good through all of this. Because we had to visit with other churches, he had to maintain silence on the matter. I am sure that was not easy for a fifth grader. We really had no clue where we would be going or when it would happen. We just knew that we wanted what was best for WLBC and God had told us that we were no longer the right fit. I am not sure why God moves people to different locations. I just know that He sure has led us to some wonderful places that have enriched our lives and made us the people we are today. We sadly left West Laurel on Oct. 7, 2012. The people there treated us like royalty. They were so good to us. They honored us with a delicious dinner and the most spectacular gifts. They loved us very much and we loved them back. The best gift I could have received though is that my son gave his heart to Jesus. That last Sunday we were there, my husband had the priviledge of baptizing him. Praise the Lord for the time He allowed us to grow and learn in Laurel, MS. Recently our family was once again led to a church by God. This time it is in Lake Placid, Florida. Wow, is it different than any other place I have ever been. We have only been here a short time but already feel loved. Thanks be to my God for always taking care of a worthless sinner like me. I look forward to my time as a Floridian!
Here are just a few memories from our time in Mississippi and some of our last day at WLBC.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Random Summer Fun......so far!
Well, so far, Summer has been great! Once again I accepted the leadership position as our church day camp director. That has certainly had me tied up. I do adore it though. Just before it began, we let Will stay out of school for the last week and we trotted off the Gulf Shores. It was sooooo much fun. We haven't been to the beach a whole lot since we moved from Andalusia. I think people there take it for granted that they have that fabulous commodity right there! We so miss our weekly trips to Henderson Beach and Beasley Park. Once vacation was over we jumped right into day camp. This year we have about 35 campers. God has provided me with two teachers this year that I absolutely adore! These ladies and I get along very well. In fact, we have a ball! We laugh and laugh all day, every day. I praise God for a good staff and a good group of kids. We have done lots of activities and so far, no major incidents. When you are dealing with 35 kids, that is a major victory. Here are a few pics of our fun times. I pray we have many more fun times ahead!*********************************
Please pray for our wonderful friend Ricky Jacobs. He had open heart surgery today and is struggling with his ventilator. We love you Ricky and are lifting you up to the GREAT PHYSICIAN!!!!!!
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